Grown in California, Brewed in Singapore

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Our Founders

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin. - Mother Teresa”

How are you? My fellow coffee enthusiasts,
We're the founders behind Calli Coffee, and this is where we share our story. As friends who forged our bond in polytechnic, we fell in love with coffee on our journey of overcoming the challenges of studies, co-curricular activities, and the toxic nature of socialising in the bustling pace of Singapore. 

Our Story

Living in a high-performing society came with its unintended stress. The pressure to excel echoed in our ears, 'Every day only know how to lie on bed, go and study la.' These are the words that both of us grew up hearing whenever we took a moment of rest during the weekends. Due to the constant need to outshine others, we found ourselves perpetually stressed and fatigued, both physically and mentally. Fast forward to the present, where we've evolved into full-fledged working adults and serious caffeine addicts reliant on coffee for that necessary morning boost. Once we finished that cup, we would experience an anxious peak of alertness followed by a jittery and unproductive crash. It would mess up our sleep cycle, leaving us tired the next day. Unknowingly ordering another cup to “bring me back to life.”

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Our mission

Our wake-up call came during our regular cafe meetups, where we realised coffee had taken a stronghold in our lives, creating an unhealthy dependency. It was a huge problem for us. Thus, we began exploring alternatives like tea and energy drinks, seeking the perfect drink that induced alertness without dependency, improved mental capacity, physical stamina, and overall health.The journey led us to discover superfoods like mushrooms, each with unique benefits:

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Boosts physical performance, endurance, and respiratory function

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Turkey Tail

Enhances the immune system's activity against infections and illnesses.



Supports immune function and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels



Rich in antioxidants, supporting the immune system and reducing inflammation



Known for calming effects, aiding stress reduction and improving sleep quality

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Lion's Mane

Enhances cognitive function, memory, and concentration.


Our Craft

After many trial and error, we incorporated these superfoods with coffee to create an ideal drink that caters to our needs—perfect for work, sports, or studies. After drinking it for a period, we both noticed benefits in our mental, physical, and emotional capacity. We were getting less sore after workouts. We could eat less and do more work — often times better and faster. Slept better and feel better. We're thrilled to share our creation with you. Calli Coffee is more than a drink; it's a journey towards health-infused goodness every morning. Take a leap of faith, join us, and let's embark on this journey together.

Infused with,
Love & Mushrooms

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